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Monday to Friday : 10:00-19:00
Weekend : closed

Year Established : 1997

Do you want to improve your production efficiency for your organization? If yes, then you are at the right place. Exainfotech (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides GST ready ERP Software in Delhi NCR, Gurgaon and all over India for Manufacturing Companies, Trading Companies, Educational Institutions, Real Estate, Jewellery and Service Providers. Exainfotech is a team of skilled manpower with functional expertise, technical skills and ERP Software implementation experience which provides the following services:
ERP Implementation and Customization:
-ERP Implementation
-ERP Customization
-ERP Integration & Testing
-ERP Training
Customized Solution Development
ERP Training:
-ERP evaluation
-Implementation procedure
-Customization methodology
-Performance Tracking and analysis
-Resource requirement and analysis
-ERP risks and threats
IT Consultancy & Licensing:
-BPR (Business Process Reengineering)
-Infrastructure Management
-Turn Key Project Consulting
-Work flow Designing
-IT Audit
-Software License sourcing

Tags :   GST Software   ErPro Software  

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